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It can be a real pain if your locks and keys aren't behaving themselves. One day or night, they might stop working altogether - you might even have the key and still you can't get in because the lock's broken.
It's dark, it's cold and it's just started raining. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
But you needn't despair. At Lock Assist, we sort out these sorts of problems daily and with the minimum of fuss and delay. In fact, we're so sure in our abilities, we even give our customers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. How's that for peace of mind? And that's not just if you're locked out, it's with all our work. So whether it's a lock or a door closer to be fitted, maybe a safe to supply or just a key to cut, rest assured you're in safe hands.
It's dark, it's cold and it's just started raining. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
But you needn't despair. At Lock Assist, we sort out these sorts of problems daily and with the minimum of fuss and delay. In fact, we're so sure in our abilities, we even give our customers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. How's that for peace of mind? And that's not just if you're locked out, it's with all our work. So whether it's a lock or a door closer to be fitted, maybe a safe to supply or just a key to cut, rest assured you're in safe hands.